So in the middle of a massive laundry mission, here are a few shots:
an*a*ly*tic*al : reasoning or acting from a perception of the parts and interrelations of a subject.
per*ver*sion : a practice or act considered abnormal or deviant.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Home again, home again
I said I wasn't gonna upload any photos till I got my new computer, but of course, I couldn't quite resist. So far it's only shots from the plane taken during my flight from Vienna to Nice, an if I upload anymore they'll also be from Sunday the 19th, as everything else was shot in RAW format, and thus must go through some post processing before they're ready for sharing.
So in the middle of a massive laundry mission, here are a few shots:
So in the middle of a massive laundry mission, here are a few shots:
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